Listed below are various petitions and forms. Upon subimssion, please allow at least two business days for the Office of the Registrar to review your request. These online forms require students to login with their Loyola Law School credentials. If you are an alumna who does not have institutional single-sign-on privileges, please email our office at so that we may assist you with your needs.
This application form is for J.D. Evening Division students looking to complete the degree program in 3½ (3.5) years. Review the details of the 3.5 Program in the Student Handbook. Applications are due by the third Friday in June following a student's second year in the Evening Division. If a student does not complete the 3.5 Program after receiving approval to do so, they will be governed by the normal conditions, policies and standards of the Law School.
This application form is for students seeking to earn academic credit for a research paper completed under the direct supervision of a full-time faculty member. Outlined below is some information, but review the Student Handbook for complete details.
This petition is for students who are requesting to reschedule an exam. Review the Student Handbook's Exam Rescheduling Policy in Section 6.3 of the JD and LLM Handbook or Section 6.2 of the MLS and Graduate Tax Handbook for a list of acceptable reasons. Examinations that do not occur on the same calendar day are not considered in conflict and will not be rescheduled. For example, a morning examination that is directly preceded by an evening examination is not subject to rescheduling.
This petition is for students seeking an extension for an assignment in a course.
This form is for students who wish to authorize another party to have access or make inquiries concerning their academic or financial records. FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended ("Buckley Amendment"). It is a federal law which states that a written institutional policy must be established and that a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students be made available. Review the Law School's policy in the Student Handbook.
Start the FERPA Authorization Form
This general petition form is for students who may be seeking a waiver of a rule or policy regarding registration, course and division changes, and related matters outside of maximum units and study away/abroad requests. This may include internal transfers (e.g. Day Division to Evening Division or vice versa) and those repeating a course with the same professor.
This petition is for students seeking to exceed the maximum number of units. Review the Student Handbook for policies regarding taking additional units.
This petition is for students seeking to study away or study abroad. Review the Student Handbook for policies regarding studying away or abroad.
This application form is for students serving on one of Loyola's Law Reviews looking to complete a substantial research and writing project to earn 2 units of graded credit. Outlined below is some information, but review the Student Handbook for complete details.
This form is for students seeking to take a leave of absence or withdraw from the Law School. Outlined below is some information, but consult the Student Handbook for complete details.
This application form is for students seeking to update their Law School records to reflect their new legal name, chosen first name, and/or honorific.
The form is for students who wish to view their student file. It is also for those seeking an official letter that certifies their attendance at Loyola Law School and/or indicates their academic standing.