
To ensure you remain on track to graduate, regularly conduct degree audits using DegreeWorks in PROWL. This tool allows students to see how the classes you are taking or planning to take fulfill the various requirements needed for your degree.

    1. Log into PROWL.
    2. Locate the Student Services tab.
    3. Click the Student Records link.
    4. Click the DegreeWorks link.

    By default, DegreeWorks will show you the details of your first priority program as declared in Banner. If you are pursuing more than one degree, click the Degree drop-down menu at the top of page to see the details of your other program.

    Below your student information, you will see your Degree Audit. This section automatically refreshes to reflect any changes you make.

  • By default, DegreeWorks will display your most up to date Degree Audit report on the Worksheets tab, in the Student View format. 

    green box with a checkmark indicates that requirement has been met. Requirements that have not been met are noted with "Still Needed" in red. A tilde (~) indicates the requirement is in progress. Credit hours will be shown in parenthesis for any in-progress courses until they are completed. Locate the meaning of other symbols in the Legend section at the end of the Degree Audit report.

    Degree Audit Report Sections

    • The Student View block at the top of Degree Audit report displays basic details of your student record. The GPA Hours refer to the number of units you have earned. The Overall GPA is pulled from Banner.
    • The Degree block lists the degree your are pursuing (e.g., Juris Doctor) and the minimum units and cumulative GPA requirements.
    • The Major block identifies required coursework for the degree. A separate block lists coursework and requirements for a concentration or specialization, if applicable.
    • The In-Progress section lists courses you are currently enrolled in, but have not yet completed.
    • The Not Counted section lists courses you may have taken that are not counted towards your current degree.
    • The Legend at the bottom of the page explains the symbols in the Degree Audit.
  • To see the requirements you still need to fulfill, locate the format drop-down menu in the upper left, above the start of your Degree Audit report. Select Registration Checklist. Click the View button.

  • The DegreeWorks Look Ahead tool can help you plan ahead by showing how classes you plan to take in future semesters will impact and interact with your degree requirements.

    How to use Look Ahead

    1. Locate the tool on the Worksheets tab and click Look Ahead in the left sidebar.
    2. Enter a course by subject and number (refer to the Course Offerings list for course information). Click the Add Course button. Repeat for any additional courses. 
    3. Once your list of courses is complete, click the Process New button near the top of the page, next to the Format drop-down menu.
    4. DegreeWorks will display a new, proposed Degree Audit report incorporating your "Look Ahead" courses, as appropriate, in each section. They are denoted in blue, specified with the label Planned Term at the end of each course’s respective row.

    Note: listed above Look Ahead in the sidebar is What If. This is a tool for undergraduate students who are considering changing their major or minor. It is not applicable to Loyola Law School students.