LLS Professors Address Highline Issues of Legal Academy at AALS Annual Meeting

LMU Loyola Law School professors participated in a range of panels during the 2020 Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting held in Washington D.C. from Jan. 2-5, 2020. The largest annual gathering of law faculty, the meeting convened legal scholars and law school administrators to discuss critical legal issues and innovations in legal education. This year’s theme examined “Pillars of Democracy,” looking at the essential role of legal education in sustaining a constitutional democracy.
Loyola Law School presenters at the 2020 AALS Annual Meeting:
- Associate Dean for Clinical Programs and Experiential Learning Cindy I.T. Archer discussed the challenges and joys of mentoring students during an AALS Discussion Group.
- Professor Robert Brain explored issues for legal writing professors from different generations during an AALS Discussion Group.
- Professor Sande Buhai, Director of Public Interest and Pro Bono Programs, participated in the panel “Empirical Study of Legal Education and the Legal Profession,” co-sponsored by the Sections on Leadership, Professional Responsibility, Pro-Bono & Public Service Opportunities and Student Services.
- Professor Hamilton Chan, Director of LLX Executive Education, provided commentary during the session on “Continuing Legal Education.”
- Professor Aaron Ghirardelli, Faculty Director of the LLM and JSD Programs, moderated “Graduate Programs for Non-U.S. Lawyers,” co-sponsored by the Section on Post-Graduate Legal Education. Ghirardelli is the Chair of the AALS Section on Graduate Programs for Non-U.S. Lawyers.
- Professor Michael D. Guttentag, John T. Gurash Fellow in Corporate Law & Business, shared his views on “Securities Regulation.”
- Professor Justin M. Levitt, Gerald T. McLaughlin Fellow, discussed concerns about the 2020 Census on the “Civil Rights” panel co-sponsored by the Section on Minority Groups.
- Professor Eric J. Miller, Leo J. O'Brien Fellow, moderated the “Criminal Justice” panel and participated on the “Socio-Economics” panel, among other meeting engagements.
- Professor Sean M. Scott participated in the “AALS Committee on Recruitment and Retention of Minority Law Teachers and Students” and “AALS Workshop for Pre-Tenured Law School Teachers of Color: Introduction and Welcome.”
- Professor Lauren E. Willis, William M. Rains Fellow, participated in the panel “Commercial and Consumer Law,” co-sponsored by the Sections on Financial Institutions and Consumer Financial Services.