Annual Tribute to the Champions of Justice

Each year, Loyola's Civil Justice Program honors two individuals whose distinguished legal careers are marked by professional excellence, technical proficiency and uncompromising integrity. With lifetimes of service, striving to hold those accountable who are responsible, they inspire us to imagine a more perfect system of justice. They are defenders of the Constitution, guardians of our liberty, advocates of just causes (no matter how unpopular), protectors of the powerless and wise counselors in our society. They are public servants, unafraid of controversial cases. These are attorneys of undisputed stature. They are, in the broadest sense of the words, Champions of Justice.
The Civil Justice Program is proud to announce its 2019 Champions of Justice honorees:
Thomas F. McAndrews, Reback, McAndrews, Blessey, LLP and Victor L. George, The Law Offices of Victor L. George.. The reception and ceremony will be held on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019 at the Beverly Hills Hotel.