Entrepreneurship Concentration

The Entrepreneurship Concentration gives students interested in business the opportunity to include in their LLS curriculum two three-unit MBA courses offered at LMU's College of Business Administration (CBA) as part of that school's Entrepreneurship Program. Any CBA prerequisites for these courses are waived. This Concentration is for students who are interested in using their law degree in pursuing business opportunities or who wish to strengthen their business acumen in preparation for practicing corporate law.

In addition to two elective MBA courses, students must complete the core Entrepreneurship Concentration classes – Business Associations, Securities Regulation, Mergers & Acquisitions and Business Planning.

The Concentration is not available to students who hold an MBA degree or are enrolled in the JD/MBA program. The MBA courses are taken on a pass/fail basis, so honors are not available for this Concentration.

In addition, non-LLS courses taken outside of a completed, approved program are not granted full credit toward a student's JD degree.

To receive full credit for the elective MBA courses, the Concentration must be completed.

To register for the Entrepreneurship Concentration, you must first meet with the Concentration Faculty Advisor.