Recruitment Events

Members of the Admissions Team will be visiting colleges and universities this fall and welcome the opportunity to speak with you and answer any questions you may have about the admissions process and programs we offer.

Below is the 2023-2024 recruitment schedule. Please note that additional events may be added or removed throughout the year. We also host a number of events for future LLM students.  To view our upcoming events, please click here.

Our team is available for individual appointments.  Schedule a zoom appointment with our Admissions Team or email our team at

California Law LL.M. Consortium Events

Date and Time Event Information Location

Thursday, November 30
10:00-11:00 am PT 

Study Law in California: How to Prepare a Successful Application 

Meet with representatives from Berkeley Law, UCLA Law, UC Law San Francisco, USC Gould Law, LMU Loyola Law, and UC Irvine Law to learn everything you need to know about preparing and submitting a successful LL.M. application! After the presentation, attendees can ask school-specific questions. We look forward to seeing you!

Check Your Time Zone
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Friday, December 1
5:00-6:00 am PT 

Study Law in California: How to Prepare a Successful Application 

Meet with representatives from Berkeley Law, UCLA Law, UC Law San Francisco, USC Gould Law, LMU Loyola Law, and UC Irvine Law to learn everything you need to know about preparing and submitting a successful LL.M. application! After the presentation, attendees can ask school-specific questions. We look forward to seeing you!

Check Your Time Zone

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