Make a Difference
LMU Loyola Law School welcomes alumni volunteers. Giving your time and talents helps the school reach its goals —and the experience is meaningful, rewarding and fun. Volunteer opportunities include:
Share your Law School experience with students. Registration for this program typically opens in August and matching is done in September. The program will conclude at the end of the academic year in May. However, mentoring is open to continue if the pair has a pleasant connection and experience. The mentor program does not require alumni to log hours or meet a specific time commitment. Instead, the mentor and student are free to determine how often they should meet or communicate based on what works best for the pair. Meetings can be as informal as getting together for coffee, lunch or perhaps writing a quick email to each other.
Want to learn more? Contact Sarah Toperzer, Associate Director of Alumni Engagement, at sarah.toperzer@lmu.edu or 310.338.3067.
Office of Admissions
Help Loyola’s Office of Admissions recruit and enroll talented and diverse students. Alumni can represent Loyola at recruiting fairs throughout the country, contact incoming students to answer questions or host/attend regional admitted student receptions.
The Alumni Association Board of Governors has an Admissions Retention committee, which works with the Admissions Office for key alumni connections for applicants and admitted students. Alumni interested in participating in the Admissions Retention committee should contact Sarah Toperzer, associate director of alumni engagement, at sarah.toperzer@lmu.edu or 310.338.3067.
Career Development Office
Alumni are a valuable resource for students on the job market. Loyola Law students have diverse professional goals and are interested in working in law firms, public interest organizations, government, business, etc. Alumni are invited to speak at Career Development events, help students prepare for job interviews by conducting mock interviews, etc.
Contact: Jolene Horn '06, Associate Director of Career Development
Serving as an Evaluator
Alumni are needed to serve as evaluators for the National Civil Trial Competition (NCTC), sponsored by Greene Broillet & Wheeler. The NCTC is an invitational tournament open to all ABA-accredited law schools who have demonstrated excellence in mock trial competitions and/or demonstrated excellence in the training of law students in litigation skills. The tournament allows students to develop and display civil litigator skills. Students are required to perform opening statements, direct- and cross-examination of expert and lay witnesses and closing arguments and argue objections based on the Federal Rules of Evidence. For more information adn to volunteer, visit LLS' National Civil Trial Competition's website.
Contact: Lindsey Hinojosa, Associate Director of Conferences & Events