Rising 2L Pursues Goal of Being Public Defender with Externship for U.S. District Judge

Dustin Essex '26 gained experience that will prepare him for his ultimate goal of being a public defender in his summer externship with a judge in the U.S. District Court, Central District of California. Seeing his research and writing included in written orders has been "thrilling," he said.
How did you land your summer job?
My Career Development Office Advisor and Legal Research and Writing professor encouraged me to network with Loyola students who had experience as judicial externs. Through that process, I learned about the opportunity in my judge’s chambers.
What is the most interesting part of your job?
From day one, I have had the opportunity to engage in meaningful legal research and writing – researching the issues in parties’ briefs and drafting memoranda providing recommendations based on my research. It has been thrilling and rewarding to see portions of my writing included in written orders.
What has been your most challenging assignment thus far?
The first assignment that I worked on was my most challenging! I felt like the training wheels came off and it was time to put my first year of legal training to work. After struggling through that first assignment, I gained momentum and confidence that I have carried with me the rest of the summer.
What new legal skill have you acquired during your summer job?
I have seen the importance of a level-headed advocacy style that focuses on addressing the legal issues and answering the court’s questions clearly and concisely. I am more excited than ever to put these skills to the test in my clinic this year.
What bit of legal knowledge have you been able to display?
I took Evidence over the summer while I have been in my externship. In my externship, I got to work on a memo addressing motions in limine, and I had a lot of fun putting the information that I was currently learning to work.
How has Loyola helped you map your career path?
I came to law school laser focused on wanting to become a public defender, and that has not changed at all after my first year. My professors and CDO advisor have embraced that for me and are willing to tailor their guidance toward achieving my dream.