With Support from Many Mentors, JD Day Student Explores Litigation Practice

Joshua Su '24, a JD student, is spending his Summer at Buchalter thanks to the help of his mentors through LMU Loyola Law School's alumni mentorship program, affinity bar associations like the Southern California Chinese Lawyers Association, and the Loyola Asian Pacific American Law Students Association. Su is learning about what it’s like on the other side of litigation practice.
How did you land your summer job?
I have my amazing mentors and my career counselor, Katrina Denny, to thank for helping me land my summer job at Buchalter. I met my mentors through Loyola’s alumni mentorship program, affinity bar associations like the Southern California Chinese Lawyers Association, and our very own Loyola Asian Pacific American Law Students Association. All of them were instrumental in helping me with my application materials, coaching me for interviews, and recommending me to the hiring committee at Buchalter. My advice to other law students is to find your peopleL the ones who will support you no matter what and who will encourage you to keep going, even when you feel hopeless.
What is the most interesting part of your job?
The most interesting part of my job is learning about what it’s like on the other side of litigation practice. Last summer, I externed in a federal court, and it was interesting to see the court’s perspective on the motions each party filed in a lawsuit. This summer, it’s interesting to see how attorneys think when strategizing what to file and include in their briefs. Also, learning about the internal operations of a law firm has been interesting, and I am grateful for the opportunity to get a taste of what private practice is like.
What has been your most challenging assignment thus far?
My most challenging assignment thus far has been researching metaverse law. Specifically, “metaverse” law does not exist; instead, it is myriad federal and state laws regarding data privacy, such as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act or the California Privacy Rights Act, intersecting with basic legal topics like contract or tort law. Finding which laws apply in the metaverse and researching administrative law filings was challenging because of its rarity, but it was ultimately an exciting and fulfilling assignment.
What new legal skill have you acquired during your summer job?
A new legal skill I have acquired this summer is learning how to use terms and connectors on Westlaw and Lexis+. The 1L legal research class was a great starting guide (shoutout to Legal Research Professor Laura Cadra!), but I realized that I could research more efficiently by using terms and connectors. Whenever you ask the Lexis+ or Westlaw chat representatives (note: pro tip) for research assistance, they will create a custom search string for you that dramatically narrows down the number of cases related to an issue. After asking a few times, I decided it was time to learn how to do it on my own, and it’s been an invaluable skill ever since.
What bit of legal knowledge have you been able to display?
Although I wouldn’t characterize it as “legal knowledge,” a valuable skill law school has helped me develop is the ability to efficiently comprehend and synthesize a large body of information. This skill has been invaluable when juggling diverse assignments covering various legal areas. The rigorous preparation during final exam season has turned out to be…surprisingly useful!
How has Loyola Law School helped you map your career path?
Loyola provided me with an academic foundation, a supportive environment, and some of my best mentors, which, combined with actively seeking networking and volunteering opportunities, helped me chart my career path.