Research Help and Training
The reference librarians are happy to provide help and training for law review staff. Each reference librarian holds a J.D. and a master's degree in librarianship and can provide the following types of help:
- Trainings for law review staff on topics such as source collecting, Bluebooking, and researching for notes and comments. We encourage law review editors or faculty liaisons to contact the library at least two weeks in advance of the planned training.
- Individual advice for law review staff or editors on locating or Bluebooking specific sources and on researching for their own note or comment.
To contact a reference librarian, email, call 213.736.1177, schedule an appointment, or stop by the reference desk (behind the library's front desk). For hours and additional details, see Research Help.
Online Research Guides
The reference librarians maintain online legal research guides designed to assist students with common legal research tasks. The following guides may be helpful for law review students:
- Source Collecting Guide,
- Bluebooking and Legal Citation Guide,
- Academic Legal Writing Guide,
Other guides on specific subjects may also be helpful:
- Entertainment and Sports Law Guide,
- Foreign and International Law Guides,
For a complete list of guides, visit
Law Review Websites
For assistance in managing or updating your law review's website, please contact Suzie Shatarevyan,, 213-736-1147.
Chicago Manual of Style
For the convenience of law reviews that use the Chicago Manual of Style, the library owns the Chicago Manual of Style in print and provides access to an online version of the Chicago Style Manual.
Interlibrary Loan
The library is happy to obtain materials from other libraries through interlibrary loan for source collecting and for student's individual notes or comment research.
To search for materials at other libraries, access the free WorldCat website.
To request materials through interlibrary loan, please complete the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) form.
To avoid duplicative requests, law review staff should not place requests for materials they are source collecting. Please ask your editor to place the request instead.