2002-2003 Graduation Rankings

GPA Graduation Ranking Cut-Offs

Summer 2002, Fall 2002 and Spring 2003 Graduating Class
  GraduatesTop 5%Top 10%Top 15%Top 20%Top 25%Top 30%Top 35%Top 40%Top 50%
Graduation Rank (*) 387 88.75 87.55 86.49 85.7 85.07 84.3 83.86 83.02 81.97

(*)Cutoffs do not apply and number of students do not include anyone who entered as a first year student in August 1998 and earlier, and those who entered with advanced standing in August 1999 and earlier.  These students must determine their rank by referring to the rankings for their entering class and division.  For example: Day students who entered in 1998 Fall should refer to the 2000-2001Graduation Rank - Day Students cutoffs.  Internal transfer students (day from evening) who entered in 1998 Fall should refer to the 2001-2002 Graduation Rank - Evening Students cutoffs.

Graduating Honors:

Summa  Cum Laude Cum GPA at graduation >= 92.00
Magna Cum Laude Cum GPA at graduation >= 90.00 and < 92.00
Cum Laude Cum GPA at graduation < 90.00 and ranked in the top 10% of all graduating students
Order of the Coif  ranked in the top 10% of all graduating students