Government Accountability


Anti-trafficking laws, policies, and government practices will be guided by the voices of trafficking survivors which urge anti-carceral and public health approaches to preventing human trafficking and hold accountable government actors and agencies that perpetuate, enable, aid and/or abet human trafficking.

SJI Testimony to the California Assembly on Public Safety

SJI directors and survivor consultant Adrianna Griffith provided critical testimony to the California Assembly on Public Safety “Human Trafficking- Reexamining the Scope of the Problem and Solutions.” SJI directors focused on the lack of survivor-focused labor trafficking initiatives in California as well as a lack of vacatur remedy for criminalized survivors. SJI Consultant Adrianna Griffith elaborated on how her lived experience as a criminalized survivor served as an example of how the criminal legal system failed to identify her as a survivor and that while “she has been accountable to the state, the state has not been accountable to her.”


Op-Ed in La Opinion by Joseph

In an Opinion Piece in La Opinion, Joseph V highlights the need for survivor-informed labor trafficking initiatives in California.

La pandemia hizo invisible la trata de personas

SJI, Survivors, and Partners Advocate for Expansion of President Biden's Marijuana Pardon

SJI, survivors and partners sent two advocacy letters to President Biden and federal agencies to demand expansion in the scope and protections of the marijuana pardon to all non-citizens, including immigrant trafficking survivors.

Advocate Letter to Federal Agencies

Survivor Letter to President Biden